Wednesday 17 July 2013


Our National Anthem
Arise, O compatriots,
Nigeria’s call obey
To serve our father slap
Ha-ha was the expression I could utter after I watched a video recording of a 6year-old girl’s rendition of the Nigeria national anthem. After which I was humiliated on behalf of the parents of this little girl as it was not funny that she could not recite the National Anthem correctly. It is very disheartening that about 80% of Nigerian children cannot recite the national anthem. But come to think of it, how many of our ‘so-called’ adults can recite do so? And yet we say these children are the leaders of tomorrow, if thatis true then I dread future of our nation.
While an average 4years-old American can boldly and correctly recite the American anthem, what baffles me is that these children recite this erroneous anthem with all boldness and confidence, is this not amazing?
What is responsible for this, incompetence on the part of schools and teachers or irresponsibility on the part of the parents? Anyway, right from time I have feared for the educational system of Nigeria, it is not about having all fascinating and posh school structures but having capable human beings who claim to be teachers in these schools. Imagine a beautifully-wrapped maggot-infested rat, regardless of how beautiful the wrapper is the content isdisgusting still. That is the current status of these public schools.
The most annoying issue is that government teachers are better paid compared to private school. Do you doubt that? Go do some research. Now to you reading this, what is your response when you hear a child recite the National Anthem with so many mistakes? Do youlaugh and let them continue or you teach them the right words and pronunciations? Maybe you can help these teachers who may not know that teaching their pupils the national anthem is part of their job description. BUT PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THE ANTHEM CORRECTLY BEFORE YOU TEACH!!

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